Rooted in God’s Earth: Trees in Scripture

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Mondays 6.30pm – 7.30pm on Zoom

A new drop-in Bible study series focusing on trees in the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament.

  • Who can join?

    Anyone. This is a series, but it’s not a course. Anyone can join at any time, each session can stand alone: and participants can come to as few or as many sessions as they wish. It’s an opportunity for newcomers as well as long-standing members of the congregation to get to know one another and to support each other to grow in faith and in biblical and theological literacy, aware that the ‘Gospel of our lives’ is a profound and vital place to start.

  • Inspired by the Conversations Under Trees programme at St James’s throughout 2024, this Monday evening online Bible study series led by the clergy team is an invitation to explore trees in scripture across the Old and New Testament, as well as in the church buildings of St James’s Piccadilly and St Pancras Euston Road.

    Emphasising the interdependence of humans with the natural world, we will see ourselves afresh through Scripture, made in the image of God and part of all creation. The structure for each session allows space for reflection, dialogue, contemplation, debate, and deepening faith together.

    Through exploring the meanings and interconnections of trees in a wide range of biblical contexts together as partner churches, this is in itself an act of community-building, as well as learning.

    Each session will encourage us to encounter scripture with our heart, head and feet.

    With heart: conversations open with prayer and sharing life experience in relation to the texts or objects.

    Next with our head: there will be opportunities to learn more about biblical studies and theology, weaving in a diverse and intersectional set of connections from many voices.

    And finally, with our feet: each session will also address the importance of action and ways in which these biblical encounters may help us to live our lives well, attentive to justice, love, and hope in our complex world, in our communities, and in ourselves.

    The sessions are in three parts: Old Testament, New Testament, and the interpretation of these themes found at St James’s and St Pancras. The third part focuses on tree imagery and wood in works of art at St James’s and St Pancras Euston Road, buildings we might be familiar with but have never looked at or learned from in this way before.

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    Part 1 – Old Testament

    Session 1 – The Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge, Part 1

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    Session 3 – Abraham and Sarah at the Oak of Mamre

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    Session 4 – Cedars of Lebanon

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    Session 5 – Trees in the Wilderness

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    Part 2 – New Testament

    Session 1 – The Axe at the Root of the Tree

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    Session 3 – Seed Parables

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    Session 5 – Olives, Palms and Figs

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    Session 6 – The Wood of the Cross

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    Session 8 – Leaves for the Healing of the Nations

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    Trees and wood at St James’s and St Pancras

    Session 4 – St James’s: Grinling Gibbons, Reredos & Font

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    Old Testament

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    New Testament

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    Session themes and texts

    Part 1 – Old Testament

    1. The Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge, Part 1 (Genesis 2.8-end)
    2. The Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge, Part 2 (Genesis 3)
    3. Abraham, Sarah and the Oaks of Mamre (Gensis 18.1-15)
    4. The Cedars of Lebanon (Ezekiel 31)
    5. Trees in the Wilderness (Isaiah 41.11-20)
    6. Oaks of Righteousness (Isaiah 60.18-61.4)
    7. Trees in the Psalms (Psalm 1, Psalm 104)

    Part 2 – New Testament

    1. The Axe at the Root of the Tree (Matthew 3.1-12)
    2. Called by Jesus under the Fig Tree (John 1.43-51)
    3. Seed Parables (Matthew 13.1-31)
    4. Zacchaeus in the Sycamore Tree (Luke 19.1-10)
    5. Olives, Palms and Figs (Mark 11.1-14)
    6. The Wood of the Cross (John 19.16b-30)
    7. God’s Power to Graft (Romans 11.13-24)
    8. Leaves for the Healing of the Nations (Revelation 22.1-13)

    Part 3 –Trees and wood at St James’s and St Pancras

    1. St Pancras: Crucifixion
    2. St Pancras: Trees in Stained Glass
    3. St Pancras and St James’s: Organ Cases
    4. St James’s: Grinling Gibbons, Reredos & Font
    5. St James’s: Clinton Chaloner, Catalpa Tree Nativity & Paschal Candle stand: the Cambrian Explosion
    6. St James’s: Pulpit
    7. St James’s: Che Lovelace Paintings