Deep Abiding Prayer

Church Window Mask

Second Thursday of each month, 7.30-8.30pm on Zoom

Deep Abiding Prayer is a healing prayer of the heart and of the Spirit.  Its sources are in the Bible and in the Christian Contemplative tradition.

We pray for individuals and communities, as well as for those parts of ourselves that need healing. We become channels for healing peace, by letting go of outcomes and trusting the action of the Holy Spirit through our prayers. We hear words and music from medieval and modern contemplative writers and musicians, and have time in breakout groups to reflect on our experience. Deep Abiding Prayer is a healing prayer of the heart and of the Spirit. Its sources are in the Bible and in the Christian Contemplative tradition.

Who we are

People join us from around the UK and from Canada, as well as members of St James’s Church. The sessions are run through a partnership between Living Spirituality Connections and St James’s Church.

Participants say

“I really value these sessions. Deep Abiding Prayer will nourish my soul, which it very much needs.”

“I would love to join in groups to partake in deep abiding prayer and to keep the flame alive! The sessions have been excellent in every way and I’m thrilled to have been able to attend from Edinburgh.”

“… heartfelt thanks to you for running these DAP sessions. Connecting with the heart, has been so vital for me. I hadn’t realised quite now numb or cold it had become in there (like an empty igloo with no one home!), and yesterday, when the initial course ended, I found myself thinking ‘it’s good to be home again’.”

“Can’t thank you enough. Truly life changing and affirming!”

Joining a session
For further details and for the Zoom link email Petra at There is no charge.