Judy Hung (baroque violin, violoncello da spalla & piano) 

Church Window Mask

Friday 9 August 1.10pm 

Due to unforeseen circumstances today’s recital has benn cancelled, we apologize for the inconvenience.

Taiwanese-Canadian musician Judy Hung enjoys a versatile career as violinist, pianist, violoncellist da spalla, artistic director, and teacher. 

  • Online streaming

    This concert will be streamed live on our YouTube channel at 1:10pm.

  • Support our Creative Programme

    Whether £5 or any amount you’re able to give. Donations can be made in cash in the basket on your way out, or by tap donation at the machines at our exits. Your generosity helps support our cultural events and charitable services. Thank you.

  • Nicola Matteis (1650-1714): 

    Preludio and Passaggio rotto, Andamento veloce from « Ayres for the Violin » 

    Johann Sebastien Bach (1685-1750): « Sarabande » from Suite No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007 

    Joseph dall’Abaco (1710-1805): Capriccio No. 1 in C Minor 

    Robert Schumann (1810-1856): Kinderszenen (Scenes from Childhood), Op. 15  

    1. Von fremden Ländern und Menschen (Of Foreign Lands and Peoples)   
    2. Kuriose Geschichte (A Curious Story)

    III. Hasche-Mann (Blind Man’s Bluff) 

    1. Bittendes Kind (Pleading Child)
    2. Glückes genug (Happy Enough)
    3. Wichtige Begebenheit (An Important Event)

    VII. Träumerei (Dreaming) 

    VIII. Am Kamin (At the Fireside) 

    1. Ritter vom Steckenpferd (Knight of the Hobby Horse)
    2. Fast zu ernst (Almost Too Serious)
    3. Fürchtenmachen (Frightening)

    XII. Kind im Einschlummern (Child Falling Asleep) 

    XIII. Der Dichter spricht (The Poet Speaks) 

    Franz Liszt (1811-1886): Sonetto 104 del Petrarca, S. 161, No. 5 from “Années de pèlerinage, deuxième année: Italie”