‘Christian Animism’ by Shawn Sanford Beck

Church Window Mask

Sunday 15 and 22 September 6pm GMT on Zoom

Come and join our online Ecozoic Book Group for what promises to be a season of lively ecumenical discussions!

  • A season of online conversations

    We are living in a polycrisis that threatens to overwhelm us. We need profound change in our understanding and behaviour if future generations are to have a liveable future. The ancient Greeks’ had a word for this kind of change: Metanoia, a transformative change of heart or spiritual conversion.

  • Published in 2015, 60 pages. The book is available to purchase in paperback and Kindle versions from £7.97.

  • We will be exploring in more depth some of the themes raised by the ‘CHANGING OUR MINDS’ series of conversations with academics, theologians and indigenous thinkers from Northern America and Australia.

    We are thrilled that Shawn Sanford Beck will be facilitating the first two discussions. He launched the Changing our Minds series in March 2024, with a discussion of Christian Animism. Shawn is an ecumenical Christian priest, a theologian and the founder of the Ecumenical Companions of Sophia.

    Christian animism is a challenging idea to some, but Shawn draws on his own lived-experience and reflects on how ‘being amongst Beings’ might help shift our perception about our place and relationship with the more-than-human Cosmos. You can read an extract from the book here.

    To see Shawn in conversation click here