Mark Dangerfield (guitar)

Church Window Mask

Wednesday 17 April 1:10pm 

Mark began playing in the classical style after being inspired by recordings of Julian Bream, and his playing retains stylistic influences of flamenco, jazz and rock.

  • Online streaming

    This concert will be streamed live on our YouTube channel at 1:10pm.

  • St James’s Church welcomes donations

    Whether £5 or any amount you’re able to give. Donations can be made in cash in the basket on your way out, or by tap donation at the machines at our exits. Your generosity helps support our cultural events and charitable services. Thank you.

  • In 2021 Mark was selected for further study of the guitar with Professors Carlos Bonell and Christopher Stell at the Royal College of Music in London, and has since pursued studies in composition, now taking a Joint Principal study of Composition and Classical Guitar.

    Malcolm Arnold – Fantasy for Guitar
    Heitor Villa-Lobos – Cinq Preludes, Preludes 1, 2, and 3
    Lennox Berkeley – Sonatina for Guitar 

    Presented in association with Royal College of Music