Holding the Silence

Church Window Mask

Thursday and Friday at 12noon on YouTube for 30mins, with the readings and prayers available for people to say at any time.
A chance to gather, share some silence, share some reflections.

  • When

    Pray at any time, & live-streamed on YouTube Thursday and Friday at 12noon.

  • Where

    Pray wherever suits you best. You might be at home with the liturgy sheets, or listening to the YouTube recording on your daily commute.

  • Over ten years ago, we launched Holding the Silence – a simple daily office with an invitation for everyone to join in as and when they could. Some people use it as a personal prayer practice at a time of day that suits them; some people join the YouTube livestream or watch the recordings; some people pray it in groups together.

    It has a seasonal pattern, with a weekly collect and two daily readings – one from scripture and a second taken from a broader range of spiritual reading. The short second reading is posted daily on our church twitter and Facebook accounts. The office includes an invitation to hold a time of silence after the readings.

    After streaming these sessions we save them to our Holding the Silence playlist for two weeks so that you can watch them at a time which suits you.

    Liturgy Sheets

    We use 2 pieces of paper:
    – a Seasonal Sheet (which lasts for the length of the church season)
    – a Daily Readings sheet (which has a fortnight’s worth of daily readings on).

    Select documents

    Seasonal Sheets

    Daily Readings

    HTS Daily Office for Ordinary Time 2025

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    HTS Daily Readings 2nd – 15th February 2025

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