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Changing our Minds Book Group

Brain food for the Ecozoic

Come and join our online Ecozoic Book Group for what promises to be a season of lively ecumenical discussions! We will be exploring in more depth some of the themes raised by the ‘CHANGING OUR MINDS’ series of conversations with academics, theologians and indigenous thinkers from Northern America and Australia.

Book 1. ‘Christian Animism’ by Shawn Sanford Beck.

Published in 2015, 60 pages. The book is available to purchase in paperback and Kindle versions from £7.97.

Dates: Sunday 15 and 22 September 2024 at 6pm UK time on Zoom.

We are thrilled that Shawn Sanford Beck will be facilitating the first two discussions. He launched the Changing our Minds series in March 2024, with a discussion of Christian Animism. Shawn is an ecumenical Christian priest, a theologian and the founder of the Ecumenical Companions of Sophia.

To see Shawn in conversation click here.

Christian animism is a challenging idea to some, but Shawn draws on his own lived-experience and reflects on how ‘being amongst Beings’ might help shift our perception about our place and relationship with the more-than-human Cosmos. You can read an extract from the book here.

Book 2. ‘The Powers that Be: a theology for a new millennium’ by Walter Wink.

Published in 2000, 200 pages. The book is available to buy new from £14.50 or second hand from £8.50.

Dates and themes:

Sunday 6 October: The Powers

Sunday 20 October: Breaking the Spiral of Violence

Sunday 27 October: Prayer

All at 6pm UK time on Zoom.

We will be guided by Revd. Simon Woodman, minister of Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church.

Walter Wink’s books continue to be some of the most influential Christian writings on nonviolent resistance. Spirituality and Practice Review described his books as ‘trenchant theological works about evil, politics, and redemption in our world’. Wink suggests that a ‘Domination System’ holds us in thrall and that some of Jesus’ parables describe creative and even humorous ways to resist the ‘Powers’ without becoming corrupted by them. He shows how resistance can lead to transformation.

Wink was Professor of Biblical Interpretation in New York and a non-violent political activist. He is an inspiring figure in late 20th century progressive Christianity and has much to teach us today.

Sample reading material will be provided for those who do not want to purchase the books.

All sessions will use the same Zoom link