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Your support needed for an urgent campaign during August for the Climate and Nature Bill

Zero Hour is the campaign for the Climate and Nature Bill, a plan for a new UK law that addresses climate change, global warming, and the nature crisis in line with the most up-to-date science. The Bill is the only proposed legislation before the UK Parliament that ensures a comprehensive and joined-up approach to the emergency we all face.

St James’s PCC is backing this campaign, and Lucy is giving it her personal support as a Faith Leader. Will you help the campaign by asking your MP to enter the private members’ bill ballot on 5 September in order to bring the Climate and Nature Bill back to Parliament?

Three core reasons why we should we get involved in this campaign as a church and as individuals.

  • Advocacy and partnership development are key aims for the Faith-based Earth Justice strand of St James’s strategic plan. We are stronger and more influential when we speak out with others. The campaign is supported by the national church Environment Programme
  • The Climate and Nature Bill is a cross-party initiative. The crisis we face is too big for party political wrangling.
  • The bill has the potential to change the way politics is done, through its proposal for a citizens climate assembly which will increase participation, strengthen democracy and underpin a just transition to a zero carbon world

1,586 organisations, politicians, faith leaders and scientists from all parts of the UK are backing the Climate and Nature Bill. Other supporters include Rt Revd Graham Usher C of E Lead Bishop for the Environment, and Rt Revd Rowan Williams.

If your MP is one of the top 20 winners of this ballot, they’ll be able to progress the CAN Bill on its journey into the statute books. Zero Hour has been building the alliance for the CAN Bill since 2020.  The UK is dangerously off track with its climate and nature commitments. This our last, best chance to put the UK on the right track. The MPs’ ballot isn’t the only mechanism for getting the Bill introduced, but it is a very important one.

Will you email your MP today and ask them to commit to backing the CAN Bill in the private members’ bill ballot?

To do this via the Zero Hour Campaign website, visit

To see which MPs are backing the Bill already, go to

For details of the Bill’s provisions go to

Thank you.

To learn more about our Earth Justice campaigns, or to join the WhatsApp group, please email Deborah and Petra