Make your own Citrus Cleaner

Season of Creation: Dee’s eco-tip of the week – Time to get rid of all those single use plastic bottles of cleaning product cluttering up the cupboard under the sink! Try this simple recipe to produce your own fresh-smelling, anti-bacterial cleaner.

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Church Window Mask


  1. Peel four or five oranges. The more fruit you use, the stronger the liquid will be. Store the oranges in the fridge to eat as you want.
  2. Fill a jar with the peel and cover with white vinegar, weighing down the orange peel so it’s under the vinegar.
  3. Close the lid and put in a dark cupboard for 2 weeks.
  4. After two weeks, train the liquid into a bottle or jar (I squeeze the orange rinds to get all of the goodness out of them). The remaining orange peel can go on the compost.
  5. I use an old spray bottle and dilute the liquid 1:1 with water.
  6. Use on counters, floors, bathrooms, plastics, glass, etc. Avoid use on granite, marble, and natural stone tile.

Just for info 

Infusing distilled vinegar with orange peel takes it to the next level as the oranges really do help to mask the strong smell and leave a lingering scent, and the oil from the citrus peels boosts your cleaning power. Orange peel contains bioactive compounds such as flavonoids that exhibit antibacterial activity against various pathogens.

Happy cleaning!