Background Shape

Vision & Strategy

Lucy to provide intro

Congregation Clinic

Wednesday 10 April 2024


The Centrality of the Eucharist in our Strategy


At the Eucharist we pray ‘all things come from you and of your own do we give you’. We live interdependently with all that lives on the earth and believe that at the heart of Creation is the presence of Christ. Creation-centred spirituality is at the heart of the sacramental life of the church and we pledge to act accordingly.


At the Eucharist we are given a vision of the future where all are welcome, all are fed and no one is left behind. Helping to build a just society is at the heart of the sacramental life of the church and we pledge to act accordingly.


At the Eucharist we celebrate human creativity in making bread and wine which are then transformed by the generative presence of God. Expressing God-given human creativity is at the heart of the sacramental life of the church and we pledge to provoke, urge and encourage this creativity in all our endeavours.


At the Eucharist we celebrate the transformational presence of God in the world where no one is left unchanged by their encounter with Christ. Expressing the hope of transformation in the world is at the heart of the sacramental life of the church and we pledge to play our part in the transformation of despair into hope, confinement to freedom, that all who are lost may be found.

Supported & Sustained

At the Eucharist there is more than enough for everyone. Expressing our commitment to support and sustain systems that ensure everyone has a place at the table is at the heart of the sacramental life of the church. We pledge to plan effectively and steward resources carefully. Without God, we cannot. Without us, God will not.

Delivering our strategy

St James’s will work to achieve its Strategic Objectives through 5 Delivery Programmes (as shown below). Each programme ismanaged by an SMT Lead and additional oversight and support is provided by a PCC Champion. Each SMT Lead will assemble a Working Group to help to complete tasks, deliver outputs and achieve the outcomes directed under each objective within the programme.

Programme 1 – Voice & Community

SMT Lead: Lucy Winkett

PCC Champion: Helen-Claire Burt

Programme 2 – Faith, Earth & Social Justice Initiatives

SMT Lead: Ayla Lepine

PCC Champion: Claire Wright

Programme 3 – Culture & Diversity

SMT Lead: Lucy Winkett

PCC Champion: Alison Beck

Programme 4 – Transformation & Rebalancing

SMT Lead: Brian Willetts

PCC Champion: David Loyn

Programme 5 – Sustainability & Resilience

SMT Lead: Nick Thasarathar

PCC Champions: Ros Fane & Tracy Mckeever